Our programs & services

CBES offers a wide array of programs and services to our clients, finding useful and innovative ways for them to remain self sufficient in their homes by providing both short and long-term care.

Shot of a nurse holding a senior man's hands in comfort.
Adult Foster Care

Supported living for adults who require daily assistance.

Boston Allied Partner

Help with finding long-term home and community services.

Clinical Assessment & Eligibility

Comprehensive assessment to determine required level of support.

Elder Protective Services

Empowering older adults to live safely and free of harm.

Elderly Housing

Offering a range of choices for housing depending on need.

Home Care

Assistance with daily tasks like bathing, meal prep, medications and more.

Little Necessities

Ensuring access to fundamental items for daily living and well-being.

One Care Plans

Approved health plans providing the full range of MassHealth & Medicare benefits.

Project Bread

A program providing access to nutrition to individuals and families.

Residence Service Coordination

Providing consultation and case reviews in ten Boston Housing Authority buildings.

Senior Care Options

Approved health plans that cover all services reimbursable under Medicare and MassHealth.

Veteran Directed Services

Serving eligible veterans of any age who are at risk of nursing home admission.


Finding facility placement that meets individual needs in a supervised setting.

Options Counseling

A person-centered, individual decision support process.

Computer Lab

Providing supported learning to enhance digital literacy.

Resources Hub

A comprehensive resource tailored to enhancing quality of life for older adults.