Project Bread

Through innovative programs and advocacy efforts, Project Bread works to provide access to nutritious food for individuals and families facing food insecurity.

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Central Boston Elder Services

Elder Hunger Prevention Project

Through a grant from Project Bread, Central Boston Elder Services consumers experiencing food insecurity may receive up to two (2) thirty-dollar food vouchers (grocery store gift cards) per year to address their immediate needs for food.

There is no single solution to hunger, no one-size-fits-all approach. Often, no one is better positioned to understand and address a community’s unique needs than the people who live there. That is why Project Bread partners with community leaders and invests in established and innovative work that addresses food insecurity and hunger at the community level.

We bring different folks to the table: farmers, legislators, school food workers, community food providers, organizers of farmers’ markets, parents…all to continually craft more effective solutions in our communities. We partner with private and government groups operating effective programs throughout the state to evolve and implement even more effective solutions. By combining our resources and efforts, we maximize the impact of all we do.
- Project Bread
Photo Mar 19 2024, 3 52 35 PM

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