Boston Allied Partner
Working together with you, your loved ones, and your community, we will help you find the services required due to brain injury, cognitive problems, physical, intellectual, developmental, or long-term home and community-based needs.

We can help!
Are You Or A Family Member Aged 3 to 64 In Need Of Help Connecting To Care Services?
Boston Allied Partners is a program from the Executive Office of Health and Human Services that services MassHealth members (not available for Medicare members) between ages 3 and 64 who receive their primary medical care through an Accountable Care Organization (ACO). MassHealth selects potential program participants based on suitability for the program and utilization of home—and community-based services.
If you think that you or a loved one may benefit from services such as:
- Adult Foster Care
- Certified trainers in advanced Health and Wellness and Disease Prevention programs
- Family caregiver support and respite services
- Housing Resources
- Personal Care Attendants
- Special programs offering care management
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) enrollment
- Transitions of Care services
- Durable Medical Equipment
- DDS, DSS, etc.
- Other needed resources
For other helpful services in your community that you would like to connect with, ask your doctor about our program or contact us directly. Our LTSS Care Coordinators will help connect you to these services.