Elder Protective Services

The overarching goal of EPS is to empower older adults to live safely and independently while addressing any threats to their physical, emotional, or financial security.

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Central Boston Elder Services

Adult Protective Services

The Adult Protective Services (APS) Program at Central Boston Elder Services assists individuals aged 60 years and older who are at high risk and experiencing various challenges, including:

  • Self-neglect: When an elder’s ability to care for themselves declines, leading to neglect of their own well-being.
  • Caregiver neglect: Instances where caregivers fail to provide adequate care, resulting in harm to the elder.
  • Physical abuse: The use of physical force on an elderly person, causing bodily harm, ongoing impairment, or pain.
  • Psychological abuse: Any type of coercive or threatening behavior that sets up a power differential.
  • Emotional abuse: Harmful behavior that affects an elder’s mental and emotional well-being.
  • Sexual abuse: Any non-consensual sexual activity involving an elder.
  • Financial exploitation: Misuse, mishandling, or exploitation of an elder’s property, possessions, or assets.

Our dedicated team works to protect and support older adults, ensuring their safety and dignity.

If you suspect elder abuse or neglect, please report it to the Elder Abuse Hotline at:

(800) 922-2275
24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Fatima Rodrigues, Interim Director of Protective Services

Fatima Rodrigues

Director of Protective Services
(617) 277-7416
[email protected]

2018 CBES Centenarians

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