Senior Care Options
Senior Care Options (SCO) programs are approved comprehensive health plans that cover all of the services reimbursable under Medicare and MassHealth through their networks of providers.

Senior care options
Programs For Ages 64 and up
SCOs offer MassHealth Standard care to members aged 65 or older, combining health and social support services. The SCO provider networks coordinate and deliver acute, institutional, and community-based long-term care, as well as mental health and substance abuse services. Member enrollment is voluntary.
Central Boston Elder Services currently contracts with six (6) SCOs. Geriatric Support Services Coordinators (GSSCs) provide in-home and community-based long-term care service coordination for:
- SCO United Health Care Group (UHC SCO)
- Senior Whole Health (SWH SCO)
- Commonwealth Care Alliance (CCA SCO)
- Fallon Navicare SCO
- Tufts SCO
- Boston Medical Center (BMC Net SCO)

In this managed care program is voluntary and open to MassHealth Standard members who meet the following criteria:
- Aged 65 or older
- Reside in a geographic area serviced by a senior care organization.
- Live at home or in a long-term-care facility (The member cannot be an inpatient at a chronic or rehabilitation hospital or reside in an intermediate care facility for the intellectually disabled.)
- Are not subject to a six-month deductible period under MassHealth regulations at 130 CMR 520.028.
- Are not diagnosed with end-stage renal disease (ESRD).

Mila Spitkovsky-LatinoSenior Director of Long-Term Support Services
Have Questions About Your Eligibility?
Mila Spitkovsky
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (617) 992-6249
CBES does not determine consumers’ eligibility for Senior Care Options (SCO) plans; eligibility is determined by the plan. At the beginning of each month, CBES receives plan enrollment rosters from each SCO plan. CBES does not make referrals for the SCO plans but may advise consumers to look at the SCO options without recommending any particular plan.