Adult Foster Care (AFC)

Program for persons 16+ with disabilities

AFC is a program for persons age 16 and older with physical or developmental disabilities who cannot live alone safely. AFC Members live with screened and trained Caregivers in an approved home setting in the community rather than a nursing home or other residential facility. AFC  Caregivers receive a stipend which is excluded from taxable income for the care provided.  Caregivers may be related to the Member, but cannot be the Member’s spouse or legally responsible person.

To be eligible for AFC:

  • You must be age 16 or older, on MassHealth Standard or MassHealth Common Health Insurance, unable to live alone due to a medical, physical, cognitive, or mental condition.
  • Must require assistance to complete one of these activities: bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, mobility or eating.
  • Must live in the same home with the Caregiver and must not require full-time nursing care.

Have Questions about your Eligibility? Call 617.277.7416

Caregiver provides 24 hour supervision and daily assistance with personal care needs and other activities that are part of an individualized Plan of Care.

This is how modafinil works as you can buy via this website modafinilresearch.comAFC Referral Form

    CBES does not determine consumers’ eligibility for Adult Foster Care (AFC); AFC must be ordered by your Primary Care Provider and must have prior authorization from the designated entity.